FiPME Universe: What’s the Role of Gamers and Publishers in it?


In today’s Digital World, it is somewhat old news that there is a rising economic value for virtual or in-game goods and commodities.

You know, a Fascinating sum of $26,500 was once paid in Cash for a piece of undeveloped land in an unpopulated New Suburb. Except, this property existed solely on the servers of a computer game called Project Entropia, where players exchange real-world money for in-game goods, services, and property.

However, what is less emphasized is the fact that virtual economies go beyond just assigning ridiculously high prices to nonexistent things. They have many similar properties to their real counterparts. And with the similarity in those properties, comes the similarity in their needs.

Unfortunately, there are still no tools catering to those needs, though. And that’s precisely where FiPME comes into play and offers a solution that is about to be launched within the next several weeks. Keep reading and you’ll understand why you have a full right to get excited.

FiPME as an Arena for Efficient Transactions
Ingame economies, just like the real-world ones, require some sort of arena that would facilitate value exchange and goods and services circulation. Arena, where transactions could be made instantly and safely. Arena that would ensure that you, as a Gamer, get the best value for your ingame efforts as they crystalize into ingame items, which together make up those very virtual economies.

While existing ingame item shops cover these needs to a certain extent, they often set unreasonable prices, charge unreasonable fees, and give up on the security matters. These are the simples issues that have still been lying on the surface for quite a while now and FiPME aims to become an excellent solution for those. But there are quite a few other things that keep gamers intuitively craving for alternatives.

Letting Separate Virtual Worlds Meet in One Spot

We should not forget that those metaphorical arenas mentioned in the previous section, where different players can meet and exchange, should not only facilitate your interaction with the players populating the same virtual world. They should also provide bridges between the worlds, or economies, around you.

Remember the good old real world? There are mechanisms that connect different economies worldwide and facilitate the exchange of currency and goods globally, not just within one country. Having such bridges is crucial in order to achieve higher efficiency and speed of transactions. It’s also crucial in order to widen the array of options available on the market and ensure more participants have incentives to join. But now, gamers don’t have the tools that enable it: they can only switch between different ingame worlds manually. Why is that bad? Well, because that requires spending lots of money on unnecessary fees and wasting the precious time you could otherwise spend playing. And that doesn’t sound like fun at all, right?

With FiPME Intergame Swap, you can forget these inconveniences. With us, you can trade items directly between games and get what you need instantly, as soon as there are fitting orders from somebody else. Just pick the two games you’re interested in, submit your items and desired prices and you’re good to go!

FiPME as a Game-Changer for the Gaming Economies

Finally, even when you can trade whatever you want with whoever you want automatically and efficiently without borders, there is still one thing you may be lacking if you’re a person from the financial world like ourselves. Yes, you guessed it: we’re talking about all those incredible mechanisms that the financial markets took decades to establish and test for maximum efficiency.

What commodity traders have and gamers don’t is the amazing, overwhelming amount of data that they harness and put to use in order to increase the efficiency of their trading. In fact, that’s what almost any market participants have — but not the gamers, yet. And here is why it’s an awful bummer!

As a Gamer who lives off gaming, rendering services for real-world money, or selling the ingame currency and items, you need to see the big picture of the ingame economy. You need to understand the supply and demand volumes for particular items. You need to understand the equilibrium pricing for them and the price tendencies for the future. Even with these, you will already be way ahead of all other games that grasp their way through the ingame economies and try to make some cash blindly. But there are even more awesome implications to it!

If you have these data, there are so many amazing things you can understand on top of them. You can build and implement sophisticated arbitrage strategies. Or come up with strategies on which ingame assets you should hold on to as their value appreciates. Or which items could turn out to be a bubble that is about to burst and become the first one to leave this train going nowhere and dump the asset right at its peak pricing…and many-many other cool things!

What’s important here is that all of the above wouldn’t be possible without two conditions. One is automatic deal matching for receiving the true data on supply, demand, and pricing, and two — sophisticated trading tools and infrastructure that enables all those cool tricks and strategies.

Obviously, none of the existing solutions have anything close to that. And that makes us sad! But okay, maybe not only sad but also pretty excited, cause FiPMe shall become the first one to introduce that to gaming! So finally, with all these conditions, you can be at ease knowing that your ingame items exchange and value circulation works as efficiently as it possibly can — and even more than that!

But gamers are not the only players in the virtual economies. Game Publishers are just as them, if not more. The difference is however in the incentives that make each of them engage in those economies and the opportunities they have there. Read about it next!

Game Publisher View of Things

While gamers play on the level where the ingame items are already created and all they need to do is make use of them in a beneficial way, Game Publishers have their own task to accomplish. They are the mighty creators in these worlds, and while they have more opportunities to start with, they also have more responsibility to bear to ensure everything goes right.

They need to find ways to keep these worlds under their control and receive maximum rewards from the entire venture. Otherwise, why would they develop all that code in the first place? But the main complication is that they have to do it without imposing too many restrictions on the Gamers. As a result, there are two ways to achieve this.

Building Better Games and Economies

First, by creating the right incentives for users for users to keep the ingame economies under control. For this, the market data and accurate estimations of supply and demand are again needed. And that’s where FiPME could have a unique offering to not only the Gamers but perhaps even primarily the Publishers. This could help Publishers receive unique data and analytics and see a very high level of how their goods flow, what are the patterns there, which audience is primarily interested, which other games is it playing and trading with, and so on. These insights may help them adapt their ingame economies just as the central banks do with the national ones.

Welcoming Publishers in the Secondary Market

Second, by penetrating the secondary market — or actually integrating it right into their games. Why? Because now gamers have their own party in external shops where Publishers are not invited. And what Publishers are losing is not merely the feeling of belonging to the crowd. They lose lots and lots of potential profits that now end up in the pockets of those third-party providers — the ingame shops. But with FiPME they will be able to actually play their rightful role in the game and earn what they should for bringing those games to us in the first place. They’ll be able to just opens a new market for their game items trading and a certain fee generated from all of those trades shall go back as a reward to them. Simple yet efficient.

FiPME: A Reference Exchange for All Goes Live Soon

All in all, the FiPME exchange aims at integrating real-world economies with Virtual Economies. We do this by delivering a win-win solution to both sides.

We automate matching deals for all participants, allowing for the free market to control full prices for traders. We also provide Game Publishers with the secondary market’s direct access, market insights for building better in-game economies and earning strategies on the secondary market, which all, in turn, helps increase their Primary sales. Moreover, as a reference exchange, we shall also spur a guaranteed alternative investment and indexing opportunity for both Gamers and Publishers.

All these unprecedented cool things will await you in our upcoming exchange release in December 2020. Don’t miss out and be the first to play it smart!



FiPME - First international Play Money Exchange
FiPME - First international Play Money Exchange

Written by FiPME - First international Play Money Exchange

Secure in-game assets exchange. Trade your in-game assets for real money at the best price. Visit:

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